Distribution Channels
Meditrend distributes its products through a wide range of distribution channels - from health funds to sport stores. Operations involving each distribution channel require specific expertise and unique management.
Health Management
Meditrend works with the health funds operating in Israel: Clalit Health Services, Maccabi Health Services, Leumit and Meuhedet. All four provide medical care to Israel's residents.
Meditrend provides HMO pharmacies over-the-counter medicines, dietary supplements and other health products - some are included in the health basket and are sold to policyholders at deductible nominal cost only, and some are purchased by HMOs and sold to its policyholders at a nominal discount or at full price. In addition, Meditrend also provides HMOs with products for their private label.
Meditrend operates to increase the supply of products HMOs offers their policyholders, and to provide promotional and advertising services at community clinics and health fund pharmacies, aimed at deepening its professional teams' familiarity with the products and increase HMOs sales
Institutional Clients
Israel has more than 40 hospitals and more than 300 nursing homes, providing treatment and medical care to tens of thousands of hospitalized patients. The hospitals also provide medical treatment to hospitalized patients and purchase medicines and health products through designated commercial stores.
Meditrend works in cooperation with commercial centers, and its products can be found at all hospitals in Israel.
Pharm Chains
Israel has several pharm chains comprising together more than 300 branches. The chains offer medicines sold at pharmacies, as well as nutritional supplements, cosmetics, sports equipment, food, baby products, and more. For these pharmacies, Meditrend provides a wide range of products. It also provides medicines and nutritional supplements to “Life”, the private label of Israel's largest pharmaceutical chain..
Meditrend's marketing, trade and sales teams, engage with network managers to promote ongoing marketing and commercial initiatives of all its products at all branches, and to maintain high sales figures.
Over 500 independently-owned pharmacies extend across Israel. Private pharmacies excel in direct contact and personal acquaintance with its consumers. Many pharmacies offer their clients cosmetics, care and baby products.
The sales promoters team and Meditrend's advertising team are in personal and direct contact with all pharmacies, as well as making regular visits to the most remote pharmacies.
Health Food Stores
Hundreds of health food stores operate in Israel, offering a wide variety of products, including health and organic food, nutritional supplements and natural cosmetics. Health food store clientele is constantly growing and expanding. If in the past, it consisted mainly of people following special diets, and athletes, today it includes the entire population.
The variety offered by Meditrend to health food store clients can be found on the shelves of all departments: nutritional supplements, functional foods, toiletries and other health products.
The World of Sports
Sports and health are two inseparable areas. Those who engage in sport aspire to a healthy life, and vice versa, the one aspiring to good health is aware that to be healthy you need to adopt a sporting lifestyle. It's no wonder, then, that many sporting goods stores and gyms offer their clients the purchase of health products.
The Meditrend team of sales promoters and advertisers is in continuous contact with all gyms and sporting goods stores in Israel, mainly in the field of sports nutrition.